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Chief: Ryan McNamee
Address: 1 Park Road
Chester NJ 07930
Phone: 908-879-5514
Number of Officers: 25
Population Served: 10000
Seasonal Pop. Served: 10000
Specializations: Bike Patrol, School Resource Officer, SLEO 2, Traffic Unit

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About the Chester Police Department




The Chester Police Department provides law enforcement services for Chester Township and Chester Borough.  The Department currently consists of twenty-three officers under the command of Chief Thomas Williver.  The Police Department prides itself on being proactive and serving as a valuable resource and partner in bettering our community. We are dedicated to providing our officers with the best possible training to professionally and effectively serve our citizens and those requiring our assistance.

Education and training have always been and remain a hallmark of the Chester Police Department. Of the current membership, five Command level officers have completed Staff and Command Leadership Training classes. The Chief possesses a Master’s Degree in Leadership and Administration. All officers are trained in basic tactical response and three of our officers are members of the highly trained Morris County Rapid Deployment team. Four officers are traffic accident re-constructionists, four are certified Law Enforcement Against Drugs (L.E.A.D.– formerly D.A.R.E.) instructors, and two officers are certified Drug Recognition Experts. All officers are trained in basic First Aid including heart defibrillation and nineteen of our officers are Emergency Medical Technicians trained in advanced life support skills. In addition, we have two officers certified in Car Seat Installation.

The Patrol Division is the backbone of the Chester Police Department and our community's first line of defense.  Officers patrol a combined 31 square miles, comprised of neighborhoods, farmlands, a downtown shopping district, shopping malls and major state highway and county roadways. The Patrol Division is charged with the enforcement of all New Jersey State Criminal and Motor Vehicle Laws, certain Township and Borough Ordinances and the initial investigation of any complaints.